East Devon Local Plan Further Consultation logo East Devon Local Plan Further Consultation


  • Issues and Options

    Jan 2021




    Mar 2021

    East Devon District Council consulted the public on an Issues and Options report, which forms the first stage of preparing the new East Devon Local Plan (2021-2040) and sets out differing options/approaches that the plan could take, from January to March 15th 2021.

    A Local Plan shows how an area will develop in the future and provides policies which will guide decisions on whether or not planning applications are granted.

    Alongside the Issues and Options consultation, EDDC also ran:

    • A Call for Sites, where members of the public could submit land for development;
    • A Sustainability Appraisal scoping report consultation, to ensure that potential social, environmental and economic considerations are taken into account.
  • Draft Local Plan Consultation (Reg. 18)

    Nov 2022




    Jan 2023

    The consultation on the East Devon Draft Local Plan 2020-2040 ran from Monday, November 7th 2022 until Sunday, January 15th 2023.
  • Further Draft Local Plan Consultation (Reg. 18)

    May 2024




    Jun 2024

    Following feedback on our last consultation, we are now looking for your input on eight specific topics:

    • New Housing and Mixed Use Site Allocations
    • New Employment Site Allocations
    • Designated Neighbourhood Area Housing Requirements
    • Clyst Valley Regional Park
    • Town Centre Retail Areas
    • Coastal Preservation Area
    • Green Wedges
    • Sustainability Appraisal
  • Local Plan Consultation (Full Reg. 19)

    Nov 2024



